The Global Black Film Consortium was founded in 2011 by Filmmaker William Edwards. Our headquarters are located in Memphis, Tennessee, USA with growing markets in 4 countries: Ghana, Uganda, Nigeria, and Haiti.
When Mr. William Edwards founded GBFC, he had the multi-talented and often overlooked black community in mind. He did research and found that the film industry didn't consider the continent of Africa or the Caribbeans as viable markets. Even in Hollywood, California, USA are blacks not able to give a film the "greenlight". Being an African-American filmmaker, this bothered him and thus began the start of The Global Black Film Consortium.
Our Mission and Objective
Our mission is to identify, cultivate, and create opportunities in film for the black community on a local and global scale. Our objective is to build a sustainable platform that covers all aspects of film allowing us to use our gifts to enhance the community.
We control the narrative by which our stories are told. We hope the whole world will celebrate our cinematic journey with us.